Friday, December 14, 2007

A Trip to Minnesota

Two weeks ago Joey and I joined my parents on their flight back to the US to say good-bye to my amazing aunt. She went home to be with the Lord last month, but left behind a beautiful testimony of God's faithfulness to His children. Thank you, Cheri, for always being there for me and all your family and friends.

While there, my 91 year old grandma also passed away. She was a wonderful grandma and taught me so many things!

I will miss you both dearly, and will see you again in Heaven.

Joey got to meet many people while we were gone. Here are just a few pics from our time in Minnesota.

Playing with cousins Rayna and Celia

Spending time with cousin Montana

Joey and Kathryn all bundled up and ready for the cold

Visiting Great Grandma Gladys

Cousins Katie and Amy put him to sleep (or tried to at least)

Helping Kathryn celebrate her 1st birthday....Kathryn helped entertain Joey all week. He loved it!

Visiting Santa

Visiting with Great Grandma Bestemor before she went home to be with Jesus

A highlight for Kris....snow!!! This tree is right outside my parents house.


CJ Olson said...

Kris I'm glad you got to go back to MN....hope that you enjoyed your time!! Glad that Joey got to meet Santa & see snow!!

Ekelund Fam said...

I am so sorry about your aunt and grandmother. I am so happy for you that you get to see them again in heaven!

Leingang Family said...

So sorry for your loss. But what a gift that you could go back for the funeral and see your grandma before she went home.

Glad you had a nice trip. I am sure it is good to be home. Enjoy your lattes with Elle. Yummy!