Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Things Heard around the Larsen House

Had you spent Christmas Eve with us, here is a list that Andy composed of things you would have heard. ENJOY!!

“Don’t drill your sister’s head.” Said to Ike concerning his new toy drill

“A little lower.” Said by mom when Ike started to then drill mom’s back

“Don’t step on Joey.” Said to Noelle when she is in his vicinity.

“Do you want to go to the bathroom with me?” Ike’s question to Noelle throughout the day.

“Mom, this is good.” A 3 year old actually said that about dinner.

“Noelle, you have a gazillion toys. You don’t have to play with the butter.”

“Andy, could you stop shaving and take some pictures.” Said to Andy concerning his new toy shaver. He might have to up his shaving to 3 times a week.

“There’s a whole bunch right there. Right there. Ellie, there’s a whole bunch right there. Ellie! A whole bunch! Ellie, Ellie. Right there. Look, there’s a whole bunch right there! A whole bunch. Ellie, there’s a whole bunch right there! Huh.” Ike explaining to Ellie where she might find some parts of her tea set. She finally found them.

“A Bop gave me a Merry Christmas Present!” A Ba (Hakka for Uncle) is our neighbor who is very generous with Ike.

“Ellie, can I help you.” Translation: Ellie, I (Ike) am going to open your present whether you like it or not.

“Ellie is scared of Napkin Man.” See picture. Thanks Jude Law!


Ekelund Fam said...

Your post made me crack up! That sounds just like our house (especially the "don't drill your sister's head").

Leingang Family said...

We loved this! We all enjoyed the great laugh!

Glad you had a Merry Christmas!