Sunday, August 28, 2011


Last week we spent a few days in Hualien County with some of our Chinese pastors and their families. It was a "go, go, go" kind of a trip (ie ride the bus, get off and hike, get back on, ride somewhere else, etc), but lots of fun! We came back tired but so thankful for the time to get to know the pastors and evangelists in our synod and thankful for the new relationships that were formed with them!
Beautiful Taroko Gorge!! My favorite spot on the island (that I've been to, at least)!
A shrine in the gorge.
Most of the group that went on the trip.
Our kids were pretty much glued to these wonderful girls! They are the daughters of our mission's administrative assistant and our kids just loved being with them!
Don't worry, these tracks aren't in use anymore!
Some of our coworkers (our pastor and his wife are the ones directly behind Ike and Ellie, the other couples pastor churches in Taipei, Yangmei, and Hsinchu).

1 comment:

CJ Olson said...

Oh you got some gorgeous pictures!! Beautiful!!