Sunday, February 24, 2008

Joey's "big steps"

This past week was a "big one" for Joey. He decided to take some big steps all at not the walking kind. Joey went from not sitting up to not only sitting on his own, but getting to the sitting position on his own. Then he decided it was time to crawl on his knees instead of the army crawl he was doing before. When he found out how fun that was, he decided it was also time to pull himself up on things and walk alongside them a little. Let's just say the Larsen kids are now keeping their mom and dad VERY busy!


Leingang Family said...

OH my goodness! When did he get so big?!!

Anonymous said...

grandma and Kathryn say hi to Joey too......Kathryn is planning all kinds of things for you to do with her at grandma's house when you come home. Like take the remote and run and hide, take the dog's treats and feed them all to Kramer....what fun
love you Kathryn and grandma