Saturday, June 23, 2007

When it rains, it pours!

Okay, no pics with this post, just writing. Andy and I decided we had to document somewhere the way this day started so we don't forget it. Here it goes....

1:30am-Joey wakes up to eat (normal)
1:45am-Elle starts crying and Kris goes to her room to see why
1:50am-Nothing wrong with Elle, but she is still crying
1:55am-Elle's crying wakes up Ike, and though Joey is done eating, he doesn't want to go back to sleep.
2am-3:45am-All kids are awake and, depending on the time, either laughing or crying (Andy and Kris were just plain crying)

In the end, Elle finally went back to sleep after some yogurt and medicine (she's getting some teeth), Ike fell asleep on Andy's side of the bed, Andy fell asleep on the couch, and Joey finally slept after pushing out some gas.

Then, the morning started out "great" too. Ike woke up, and wanted yogurt for breakfast. Half way through he was "all done" and when Kris went to wash his hands she spilled the rest of his yogurt all over him. At the same time Andy was burping Joey and he spit up on the floor. Then Elle woke up, of course a little cranky from lack of sleep, and had only 10min to eat before we left for church. This is hard for her because she is a slow eater. Then we spilled Kris' coffee in the car while getting the kids all buckled in. Ugh! This is only half of what happened from 1:30am on.

Somehow, we still managed to make it to church. On the positive side, it was a more comfortable ride to church this morning because yesterday we got our new (new to us, but really used) car. It is much easier to fit 3 car seats in a 7 passenger car than in a small sedan!

Another positive from the day is that when we got home from church, all 5 of us took naps at the same time!!!

Thanks for letting us share this with you (okay, for letting us complain)!


Andrea said...

That was so theraputic for me!! Another family like ours. We totally understand what you're feeling these days. Hang tough - at least you have a bigger vehicle and you can nap together!...and doesn't it seem like these things always before church????

Brooke said...

You have your hands busy!! And Happy Belated Anniversary to you too! I do remember that we share the same day! Darren was concerned about the timing of the day, but all worked well in his case. It's so fun to see what you are up to! Have a great week!