Andy reminded me of a couple more things that happened on our Saturday morning, so here they are....
While Andy was feeding Joey, Joey decided to fill his diaper with, well you know what. I, Kris, was upstairs getting ready, and all I could hear was Joey screaming and Andy laughing. Turns out that while Andy was changing the diaper, Ike was "helping" by holding Joey's head still. This is something he likes to do when we are changing Noelle's diapers, and apparently he thinks that Joey needs this too. Well, Isaak was in just the right spot to get sprayed by his baby brother when the diaper came off. I wish I could have seen it! Isaak didn't get upset, he simply told Andy that "Joe went potty". We thought this was a funny story, hope you do, too.
When we did get to church, Andy dropped Ike, Joey, and me off at the door and then went to park the car. We usually park under the church, but our new car is too tall to fit in the lift. Well, he ended up having to park a half mile away from church. Ugh! I was starting to wonder what happened to him. Oh well, we all enjoyed some cold tea on our jaunt back to the car.
Yes, as one friend said, these things always do seem to happen before church!