Thursday, December 01, 2011

2 weeks with Grandma and Grandpa K!!

We just spent 2 GREAT weeks with Grandma and Grandpa! We wish it could have been longer, but we'll take what we can get! The kids had so much fun with them (and so did Andy and I) and can't wait until our next visitors arrive (though we don't know when that will be)! Here's a little review of the past 2 weeks.....

There was Christmas baking with Grandma
There were games to play and puzzles to make with Grandpa
We took a day trip up to Yeliou where we saw some cool rock formations "carved" by the wind and the waves
We took Father/Daughter pics with the North China Sea in the background
We took a picture of the 3 generations of girls also with the North China Sea in the background (or Pacific Ocean if you like that better)
We went to the Ocean Park where Ike and Grandpa got up close and personal with the dolphins
Ferb got LOTS of attention from G & G (probably because they were missing Kramer)
We went to a wedding feast where Grandpa got his first taste of sashimi (and liked it)...
And Grandma got to figure out how to eat these massive prawns
But most of all we just enjoyed spending time together as a family!

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